I WILL BE SITTING IN WITH ST. GERMAIN LODGE! Schaumburg Fishing Show January 23-26th. I will be sitting in with St. Germain Lodge, and our good friend whom we’ve seen on TV, Rob Manthei! Booth
Bass fishing seminar with Arlington Anglers Fishing Club on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. Presentation is a follow-up and part II from my 2019 tour of big bass. I will be presenting a 10 part subject
Bass fishing seminar with Oswegoland Fishin’ Fools Club on Monday, March 02, 2020. Presentation is a follow-up and part II from my 2019 tour of big bass. I will be presenting a 10 part
Seminar with Walleyes Unlimited USA. Northwoods Bass – Spring smallmouth and largemouth on Wisconsin’s inland lakes. Learn how we fish for early season largemouth and smallmouth in the northwoods. See why May and June offers
The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance has graciously asked me to be one of two featured speakers at the 2019 Bronzeback Blowout banquet. Our 30 minute program for the evening will be a comprehensive how-to guide for
Join us at Des Plaines Public Library on February 12, 2019, for Des Plaines Lunker Busters Bass Club monthly meeting. My 1-hour seminar topic will be smallmouth bass fishing, with subject matter relating to big
Join us at FishTales Fishing Club for January 17th, 2019 monthly meeting. My 1-hour seminar topic will be smallmouth bass fishing (emphasis on Wisconsin waters and my Canadian travels), with subject matter relating to big