310 W Butterfield Rd. Elmhurst
The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance has graciously asked me to be one of two featured speakers at the 2019 Bronzeback Blowout banquet. Our 30 minute program for the evening will be a comprehensive how-to guide for fishing Wisconsin inland lakes…. featuring mapping and electronics strategies, reliable presentations, identifying big fish feeding windows, and a breakdown on lakes during the summer and fall seasons.
About 2019 Bronzeback Blowout
The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance 20th Annual
Bronzeback Blowout
Saturday March 2, 2019
3:00 to 9:00 p.m. American Legion Hall
310 W Butterfield Rd. Elmhurst, IL
Featured Guest Speakers Mike Allen and Andrew Ragas
Dinner Catered by Firewater BBQ
• Dinner • Raffle • Auction
Seating is limited. Tickets are $35 per person, and must be purchased in advance. Tickets will be waiting for you at the door.
A name for each person attending is required.