The invasive Round Goby invasion of the Great Lakes in the 1990’s shaped smallmouth fisheries forever. Their abundance and blanket of the lake bottom transformed what were once pedestrian and average 2-to-3-pound fish into megalodon specimens now surpassing 7-and-8 pounds. Their infinite food supply continues to this day, where gobies fuel the smallmouth’s sustenance,
As water temperatures gradually cool, the lakes eventually turn over, and smallmouths slide deeper to the point of wintering, the tackle box closes. As these events simultaneously occur, my boat’s tackle selection lessens each week – and the majority of gear and tackle I’ve carried up to this point will no longer be needed.
Catch smallmouths quickly from lakes, rivers, flowages, and streams. This 4-inch slender swimbait personifies fishing on the fly, in search of quick bites. I quickly discovered the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of Z-Man’s 4-inch Diezel Minnow during the ice-out period of April, 2022. Its fish catching powers continued to carry-over into the spring spawning
Smallmouths know when seasons change, and have the ability to prepare and adapt to all conditions. Their activity is always a product of changes whether they be seasonal, temperature, location, wind and weather, or some other biological influencer. If able to pattern accordingly, your fishing strategy, and the day’s potential fishing destination, must revolve