Ladson, SC (July 9, 2023) – “Over the years, we’ve seen smallmouths turn completely away from traditional patterns and vital forage bases to focus single mindedly on round gobies,” observes Z-Man® pro Grae Buck, whose home waters include Great Lakes Erie and Ontario, where gobies have ballooned bass growth to freakish dimensions.
Ladson, SC (June 30, 2023) – Bass lead charmed lives. Unlike humans, they’re obliged to eat whatever bugs them. Consider bass and their mortal enemy, the round goby— those ubiquitous underwater invaders that harass smallmouth nests by the dozen, gulping bass eggs like Skittles. Helps explain why smallmouths and predators of all species exhibit
Depending on where in the Midwest you live, the arrival of spring varies. The season can begin as early as late February. In most regions, not until mid-March through early April. And in the far northern states, early to mid-May. It all depends on the arrival of warming weather and the progression of ice-melt.
For spring smallmouths, suspending jerkbaits have become staples for most anglers. Nearly everyone has one, or a few, rigged up on deck. They are the ticket to early spring success. Few other baits can catch early spring smallmouths better. While many of them catch fish immediately out from the package, some can require simple