Andrew Ragas splits time between the Chicago area and Wisconsin's Northwoods. Based in Minocqua, WI, he specializes in trophy bass fishing and offers guided trips from May thru October. While big bass is the passion, he dabbles in multi-species as well. He may be visited online at
If we all thought May 2020 was difficult fishing, June 2020 might have been even worse. Each day’s fishing results were entirely a product of that day’s weather and conditions. One out of every 7 days was a good day. The other 6 poor due to bad weather and greatly fluctuating water temps. Other than
Hi everyone! May 2020 was when fishing and guiding became “legal” in the state of Wisconsin and fishing became “essential” work. How funny is that? We just completed a grueling, horrid, and difficult pre-spawn season. The weather, water temps, outrageous boat traffic and fishing pressure, and uncooperative fish didn’t help. But guests and I made
By Andrew Ragas Small lakes abound throughout the Upper Midwest, and are overlooked to the bass fishing world. Due to their small acreage, horsepower restrictions, difficulty of access, or limited fisheries, they remain the least pressured waters and fishing destinations for truly giant largemouth bass.
Andrew Ragas It’s early May, and we’re just a few days removed from Wisconsin’s gamefish season opener. The snow banks and memories winter left behind are yet to melt, ice-out on many northwoods lakes is only starting, and fish haven’t woken up from their winter slumber. The anticipated future forecast for the month is cold,
By Andrew Ragas Cold spring often follows a very cold winter, and this translates into a season of delayed growth. Late ice-out, cold water temperature, and lack of sunlight are preventing the growth of new weeds. Lack of greenery in the shallows means there will not be any cover and rich oxygen for largemouths and
Northwoods Bass Fishing Adventures, with your host and instructor Andrew Ragas, is committed to providing the most successful, informative and educational fishing experience possible. Bass anglers who fish with me (newbies, veterans, or pros, whichever you choose to be) will learn how to locate, approach, and catch bass on our region’s waters. Here is a